
Saturday 10 December 2016

Causes and Medications for weight loss

What are the Causes of Excessive Weight?

Obesity is caused due to many factors. However, a sedentary lifestyle and irregular eating habits are the two main causes of obesity. Simply put, if your caloric intake is more than the calories you expend in a day, the excessive calories are converted into fat and stored for later use. However, since you continue to burn less calories than you consume, you may end up overweight. There are other causes of obesity as well. These are:

  • Medical conditions such as thyroid disorders
  • Overeating due to emotional disturbances
  • Depression
  • Genetic constitution and
  • Metabolic disorders.

Below are some Ayurvedic medications for weight loss:

  • Kalonji – (Karijeerige) Scientifically known as Nigella sativa, kalonji works very well when it comes to losing weight naturally. In particular, its seed extract ends up doing a world of good, especially when it comes to maintaining ideal body mass indexes.
  • Ginger – Ginger is another completely natural item that is great for weight loss and hence finds prominence when it comes to Ayurvedic medication for weight loss. Some of its characteristics towards this end include better metabolism of the system, stimulating oxidation of fatty acids in the body, as well as lowering blood cholesterol levels.

  • Guggul – Guggul (mukul myrrh tree (Commiphora mukul), (Indian bdellium) works very well when it comes to improving good cholesterol in the system and thus, again happens to find prominence in Ayurvedic medication for weight loss.

  • Licorice – Licorice (Athimaduram, Yashtimadhu) is particularly very good for the liver and indeed blood quality in the system, especially thanks to the way in which it manages to bring down triglyceride levels.

Written By: Ayurvedic Expert.

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