
Wednesday 31 August 2016

Best Home Remedies To Whiten Dark Neck Skin @ 9

10. Aloe Vera

 Application of fresh aloe vers gel is also very effective in getting rid of dark neck. Aloe vera is a kind of natural skin lightener and also moisturizes the skin. Aloe vera is also rich in antioxidants and various other compounds that help repair and produce new skin cells. Extract pure aloe vera gel from the leaf. Apply it directly on the neck and gently massage it. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash off with fresh water.

11. Walnuts and Milk

 A mixture of crushed walnuts and milk is also very effective in getting rid of dark neck. Apply this mixture on your dark neck and slightly scrub the area by applying gentle pressure. After 15 minutes wash the area with fresh water.

12. Lemon and Honey

 A mixture of lemon and honey is also very effective to whiten dark neck. Apply this mixture on your clean neck, massage for 2-3 minutes and then leave for 15 minutes. Finally wash off with lukewarm water.

13. Milk Cream

Milk cream works as a great natural cleanser. This will also help in turning your dark neck into soft and white neck. Massage your neck with milk cream for 5-10 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water.

14. Yogurt and Lemon Juice

 A mixture of Yogurt and lemon juice has been shown excellent results in getting rid of dark neck complexion. Take 1 tablespoon of yogurt and mix with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and apply this mixture on neck at least for 20 minutes.Finally wash of with lukewarm water.

15. Cocoa Butter, Milk and Honey

 Cocoa butter helps to moisturize the skin and reduce the dark appearance of the neck. Milk gently cleanses the skin and also lightens the skin. Mix equal quantities of cocoa butter, milk and honey and apply it on the neck at least for 20 minutes.

16. Fresh Papaya Slice

 Papaya is also considered very effective for skin exfoliation, gently remove dark dead skin cells and promote the growth of new cells. Take 1 fresh papaya slice and rub this on your dark neck at least for 5 minutes. Leave for 15 minutes and then wash off with fresh water.

17. Almond oil and Vitamin E Oil

 A mixture of almond oil and Vitamin E oil has been shown excellent results in getting rid of dark skin. This mixture not only helps in lightening dark neck but also help a lot to remove skin wrinkles and fine lines caused due to aging. For best results apply this mixture before going to bed day and next day remove with lukewarm water.

18. Drink Plenty of Water

 Try to drink at least 10-12 glasses of water daily because water not only helps to remove toxins from your body but also helps a lot to give you fresh and blemish free skin.

Written By : Best Health Tips

Beauty tips for Boys

1. Use lip balm… soft lips are universally attractive

Read the ingredients before you buy some brands put trace amounts of alcohol in their formulas as a sneaky way to dry out your lips and keep you buying more lip balm. Try something with beeswax and vitamin E to soothe chapped, dry lips and keep them nourished and soft. A little bit of SPF is always good, too.

2. Find a good hairstylist or barber and stick with them.

 Getting a $10 walk-in haircut was fine when you were little, but now it’s time for a change. Try asking your well-coiffed male friends and co-workers for recommendations, and be specific about the look you’re going for when you get to the salon. When you find a barber or hairstylist you like, tip them well and go back every 4-6 weeks for a trim. The better they get to know you and your personal style, the better your haircuts will be.

3. Stick with your skincare regimen

 Cleanse and moisturize at least once a day, if not twice. Keep it up, and you’ll enjoy clear, smooth skin.

4. Resist picking your face

 Yes, I know… even if you do take great care of your skin, sometimes blackheads and zits appear anyway. And even though it’s tempting, don’t pick at them! There’s tons of bacteria under your fingernails, so squeezing or popping blemishes usually just makes it worse. They usually go away on their own, anyway.

5. Use sunscreen.

 Although using sunscreen on a daily basis will keep your skin looking great for years to come, this isn’t just about anti-aging. Skin cancer is at an all-time high right now, so use SPF products on the regular now and you’ll thank yourself later. Pay special attention to your face, neck and lips.

6. Be inspired… but don’t go crazy.

 If you’re a guy between the ages of 16 and 30, you’re probably a little obsessed with your facial hair. It’s cool, I get it. And while growing a huge beard for the playoffs or No-Shave November and subsequently shaving it into a Jimmy McMillan-esque handlebar mustache is fun just for kicks, try not to make a habit of crazy experimentation. Same thing applies to the hair on your head, as well.

7. Eat well, stay hydrated, exercise.

Blah blah blah, you’ve probably heard this before. But, there’s a reason why this is a total health and beauty clichit really does make a difference.

8. Take your time in the morning.

 Rolling out of bed and going straight to work/school/prison/your mom’s house without a glance in the mirror is kind of lame. Try waking up just ten minutes earlier so you have enough time to present your best-looking self to the world. People can tell difference between “stylishly tousled” and straight up bed head, you know.

9. Don’t be afraid to ask.

Department store makeup counters, hair salons, and stores like Sephora can seem overwhelming and guy un-friendly at times. However, the people who work there are trained to help people find exactly what they need, and if you’re struggling to find the right products there’s no shame in asking for help. If you feel awkward asking a saleslady for advice, there’s usually a few bros working in the beauty department who would be happy to share their manly expertise.

10. Deodorant. Use it.

Buy it. Put it on your armpits. Make sure you wear it every day. This may seem like common sense, but you’d be surprised at how many guys (and girls) don’t do this often enough. Keep an extra stick in your gym bag, and buy a mini one to keep in your desk at work for those extra warm summer days. And never, ever, ever, get on any mode of public transportation if you do not have deodorant on – heed this advice above all else.

Written By: Marianne

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Home Made Henna Hair Remedies

Henna for glowing hairs

Henna, popularly known as Mehandi is a hair coloring dimension from hundreds of years. It is a symbol of modern fashion to many women and men lately. There are many benefits of using henna for a healthy hair and it is one of the best natural remedies for hair growth, but people still go with the chemical products for quicker results. It has always been a bit difficult to color your hair with chemical products because there is a possibility of getting skin problems and itching. Usage of Henna for coloring hair has indulged from many decades, as ancients kings, queens used to mix up with some powerful herbs to color their hair. Henna is a natural herbal powder which is not only used for coloring hair, but also helps to prevent dandruff and scalp itching. It acts as a good conditioner for your hair and helps to grow your hair.

Benefits of Henna for Hair:

Henna is a good source for people who wanted to get rid of their gray hair, and for people who are allergic to chemical cremes. Generally most of us use Henna for protecting our hair from sun and dust. Henna can make your hair strong and nourish it from roots for a silky and shiny hair.

Applying henna pack twice a month makes hair glossy, healthy and voluminous.

It repairs the damaged hair strands and restores the acid-alkaline balance of the scalp.

It is an amazing conditioner for hair that protects the hair strands by building a protective layer and locking the nutrients and moisture.

It is the best and safest way to color your hair that has no ammonia, chemicals, and toxins.

Henna can be used to treat dandruff and scalp infections effectively.

Hair Coloring with Henna:

Henna is mostly used to color your hair in a natural way. Henna hair color is not only safe and quick, but also without any harmful side effects. Here are few useful homemade henna for hair coloring.

Henna, Amla, Skikakai and Bring Rai Pack

Benefits of henna for hair are well known, but all the rest of the ingredients used in this pack are also extremely beneficial for hair growth and healthy hair and are widely used in Ayurveda for treating hair and scalp problems.


Henna powder-2 cups
Amla powder-1/2 cup
Shikai powder-2spoons
Egg white-1
Lemon juice-2spoons
Tulasi powder-1spoon
Bring raj powder-1spoons


You will get all these powders mixed together as a packet, or else you can get separately and mix them all. Mix all these ingredients before night with tea or coffee decoction and apply this mixture next day morning completely to your hair and rinse after 45 minutes – 1 hour. Cover your hair with some plastic cap. So that it keeps your hair moist so that color will absorb quickly.

Henna, Coffee and Beetroot Pack

This is one of the best henna for hair and a side-effect free grey hair solution that contains the proteins and vitamins of eggs and lemons and provides a natural burgundy color to the hair that looks exactly like salon coloring.


Henna – 2 Cups
Tea Liquor for mixing
Lemon Juice – 1 Whole Lemon
Egg White – 1 (Optional)
Coffee Powder – 2tbsp
Beet Root Juice – 1 cup


The most important thing to have gorgeous hair with henna is to select the right quality henna from a good brand. Now, pour the henna in an iron bowl and start pouring the tea liquor and mix continually, so there are no lumps. Next, add the coffee powder. It is preferable to use iron vessel because it allows the henna to oxidize and provide a rich and deep tint. Soak the mixture overnight. The following day before applying the henna, add the egg white, lemon juice, and beetroot juice. Mix well and apply the henna on hair evenly. Keep the pack for 2 to 3 hours, Wash away the henna with plain water and then wash hair with a mild shampoo.

Written By: The Fit Indian

Sunday 28 August 2016

Home made easy Face Packs

Sagging facial skin makes you look older. This hides your ‘first glimpse’ beauty. The sagging face skin makes you older than your age and it takes away the confidence. So tightening facial skin makes you worthy. Here are some of the face packs for the facial skin tightening. These are all prepared with the natural kitchen ingredients so you can apply these happily without tension.

Face packs for facial skin tightening

 Egg white face pack



Egg white 2


Take beaten eggs and the egg white from them. Mix this egg white and apply on to the face. Leave it for 20 minutes. Then wash with cold water. Egg white is good in face lift. This egg white help in tightening the loose skin on the face and get rid of wrinkles and pimples from your face.

Cabbage & Egg white face pack



Cabbage finely chopped 5 tbsp

Rice flour 3 tbsp

Egg white 1


Take the finely chopped cabbage and mix the rice flour to it. Mesh this mix with hand as it becomes smooth. Apply the egg white to it. Then again blend all the three ingredients and make it as smooth paste. Apply this paste on to the face. Leave it 20 minutes then wash with the cold water.

Cabbage contains the minerals like potassium, phosphorus and vitamins like A, B etc. This minerals and vitamins help to prevent and reduce the loose facial skin.

Papaya &Rice Flour pack



Papaya 1

Rice flour 1/4 cup

Honey 2 tbsp


Take the ripped papaya and finely mesh that papaya. Then add the rice flour to it. Mix and make as a paste. Finally add the 2-3 tbsp of honey to it and mix all of them. Apply this on to the face. Wash it after 20 minutes with lukewarm water.

Papaya consists of papain which helps to prevent the sagging. The enlarged skin pores are reduced to their normal level and appears tight face skin. Honey also has the natural antioxidants clears the facial skin. Rice flour as the skin pores cleaner, dead skin cells remover.

Written By: Beauty Health tips

Thursday 11 August 2016

Honey for Skin

Honey has antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidants activities and has high nutrient value. In this study we investigated the potential use of topical application of crude honey in the management of seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. 
        Thirty patients with chronic seborrheic dermatitis of scalp, face and front of chest were entered for study. Twenty patients were males and 10 were females, their ages ranged between 15 and 60 years. The patients had scaling, itching and hair loss. The lesions were scaling macules, papules and dry white plaques with crust and fissures. The patients were asked to apply diluted crude honey (90% honey diluted in warm water) every other day on the lesions with gentle rubbing for 2-3 mins. Honey was left for 3 hr before gentle rinsing with warm water. The patients were followed daily for itching, scaling, hair loss and the lesions were examined. 
         Treatment was continued for 4 weeks. The improved patients were included in a prophylactic phase, lasting six months. Half patients were treated with the topical honey once weekly and the other half served as control. All the patients responded markedly with application of honey. Itching was relieved and scaling was disappeared within one week. Skin lesions were healed and disappeared completely within 2 weeks. 
          In addition, patients showed subjective improvement in hair loss. None of the patients ( 15 patients) treated with honey application once weekly for six months showed relapse while the 12/15 patients who had no prophylactic treatment with honey experienced a relapse of the lesions 2-4 months after stopping treatment. It might be concluded that crude honey could markedly improve seborrheic dermatitis and associated hair loss and prevent relapse when applied weekly.

Dubai Specialised Medical Centre and Medical Research Labs.

Honey combats skin and scalp infections

          There are many health benefits of honey on skin and scalp well being as well. In a small-scale  study  with  30  patients  that  looked  at  the  effects of honey on treating  seborrheic  dermatitis  and d andruff, participants applied diluted crude honey  every  alternate  day  by  gently  rubbing  their  problem  areas for 2 - 3 minutes.  The honey  was  left  in place for three hours before being washed off with  warm  water.  All  the  patients  showed improvement with the treatment. Itching   was   relieved   and   scaling   disappeared  in  a  week,  while  lesions disappeared  in  two  weeks.  The patients’  hair  loss  situation also improved. 

What’s more, patients who continued the treatment for six months by applying honey once a week did not suffer from a relapse.

Written By: Isha Foundation

Monday 8 August 2016

Cedarwood benefits for hairs

Everyone wants beautiful hair, whether a man or woman; however, hair loss is common in both genders, which causes the hair to become thin and look unattractive. Learning how to thicken hair naturally and finding the right hair thickener could make a huge difference for you.
The American Hair Loss Association tells us that by week 22, a developing fetus has formed all of its hair follicles, which comes to about 5 million on the body! There are a total of 1 million on the head, with 100,000 of those follicles on the scalp. 

Since we do not generate new hair follicles anytime during the course of our lives, this is the largest number of hair follicles a human will ever have. Most people will notice that the density of scalp hair is reduced as they grow from childhood to adulthood.

This happens because our scalps literally expand as we grow.

Now, let’s understand some of the factors that can contribute to thinning hair:
• Physical stress
• Emotional stress
• Hormonal imbalances
• Thyroid condition
• Toxic exposure
• Deficiencies in important vitamins and minerals
• Allergies
• Use of some products found on the market
• Heredity

What happens when our hair is thinning? More than likely, the hair is falling out, aka hair loss. Usually, another hair starts to grow from the same follicle, but hair growth can decrease if DHT (a male androgen hormone that causes follicles to shrink) is high. For men, male pattern baldness follows that of a receding hairline. For women, baldness is characterized by thinning on the top or the center of the head. This is also known as androgenetic alopecia.

However, there are some hair loss remedies you can use to thicken your hair naturally and. Not only will it help you gain some voluminous locks and stop hair loss, it will save you a lot of money! You can start some of these things right away, such as:

• Lifestyle changes to reduce stress
• Dietary improvements
• Regularly using certain hair thickener natural remedies, such as essential oils
There are three essential oils that can help thicken the hair:
• Rosemary is one of the best oils for enhancing hair growth, which thickens the hair. Rosemary oil is believed to increase cellular metabolism that stimulates hair growth.
• Cedar wood essential oil can help stimulate the hair follicles by increasing circulation to the scalp. This can contribute to hair growth and slow hair loss! Cedar wood can help treat thinning hair and various types of alopecia, too.
• Clary sage essential oil can help balance scalp oils. Sage has some similar properties as rosemary essential oil due its ability to increase cellular metabolism. As well, it mimics some benefits found in clary sage, which provides hormone balancing properties. 

Here is a great hair thickener recipe, which combines the power of these three essential oils, to try!

Rosemary, Cedar wood & Sage Hair Thickener

Total Time: 5 minutes
Serves: 8–10 applications
• 1–1/2 ounces jojoba oil
• 1–1/2 ounces grape seed oil
• 30 drops pure cedar wood essential oil
• 30 drops pure rosemary essential oil
• 30 drops pure sage essential oil


1. Place base of jojoba and grape seed oils into jar. Add the drops of cedar wood, rosemary and sage.
2. Blend well by placing the lid securely on the jar and shaking vigorously.
3. Apply generously and massage into scalp and hair, wet or dry, once a day or 3 times a week.
4. Leave in hair for at least 20 minutes (longer if you can); or apply before bed and leave in overnight. You may want to use a towel or shower cap to prevent staining your bed linens. Shampoo, rinse and style as usual

Written By: Dr. Axe

Sandalwood Beauty Benefits- 11 Points

How To Use Sandalwood Powder In Your Beauty Applications, Beauty Uses Of Sandal/ chandan.
Every woman yearns for fair, soft and glowing skin. For the want of looking beautiful, women spend a lot of money in beauty parlours to get that vibrant skin. But ever thought of giving into the gentle caress of nature for getting that silky skin without burning a hole in your pocket? Nature has a wonderful ingredient in her kitty, that is sandalwood or chandan.Sandalwood is a boon to your skin. In this article you will find the amazing 11 beauty benefits of sandalwood. All these beauty uses of sandal/chandan are very safe and effective on the skin. Read

Beauty benefits of sandalwood

1. Apply sandalwood/chandan powder mixed with rose water all over your face. And let it dry for some time. Next, dampen the dry sandalwood face mask by spraying a little water over it. Then, rub gently to remove the mask. This face mask helps to cure all types of facial blemishes and it removes the prickly heat fast triggered by excessive sweating. This face mask has drying effects on the skin. If your skin is dry ,then you can use milk in place of rose water.

2. Take 4 spoons of sandalwood powder and coconut oil each with 2 spoons of almond oil. Apply this mix on your face and leave it for 15 minutes. Next, wash off with warm water. This face mask has a softening effect on your skin; it helps in fading sunburn and helps in curing suntan, given the healing and soothing properties of sandalwood/chandan powder.

3. Mix one spoon of sandalwood powder, one spoon of turmeric powder and a pinch of camphor together. Apply this magical mix on your acne, acne scars and blackheads. For best results, leave it on overnight. This home remedy works like a magic in reducing acne, acne scars and blackheads.

4. Apply one spoon of almond powder and one spoon of sandalwood /chandan powder with milk on your face and neck. This preparation gives you fairer complexion gradually.

5. Mix sandalwood/chandan powder with little amount of camphor and water. You can apply this solution on your slight burns, rashes and allergies. It can be used to treat skin diseases like psoriasis, psoriasis or eczema also.

6. There is a type of sandal that is called rakt - chandan or red sandal wood. This is very helpful in improving the complexion and fading scars.

7. Sandalwood oil is a great skin softening agent. You can massage your face with sandalwood oil. You can add sandalwood power to your favorite massage oil and let it sit for 12 hours. You can buy sandalwood oil from the market also to massage your face.

8. You can dab the mix of sandalwood powder, turmeric and lavender oil on the itchy swelling of an insect bite. This application gives immediate results in reducing the swelling. This mixture also works as an insect repellent.

9. You can apply multani mitti mixed with sandalwood /chandan powder and rose water on your face .This face mask helps in giving you a fair and flawless skin. This face mask is good for oily skin type.

10. Mix together cucumber juice, lemon juice, curd ,honey, sandalwood power and juice of a tomato or potato juice. Apply this mix on your face for getting flawless skin and curing suntan.

11. Take an egg yolk, honey/curd, sandalwood power and lavender essential oil. Beat the egg and mix it with all ingredients to make a thick paste. This face mask is a great aid in warding off wrinkles and sagging skin.

By now, you are aware of the best 11 beauty benefits of sandalwood powder. Now you know very well how to use sandalwood powder in your beauty applications. Try out these beauty uses of sandal/chandan in your beauty care regimen right now. And get set to explore your skin to the admiring eyes!

Article Written By NUTANkumarisinha

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Hair beauty in rainy season

Monsoon – season for super dry skins and damaged hair has arrived with excess humidity in the air.
Many think that summer is the season that causes much hair damage but no rainy season has its own set of weather-induced disturbance that strip away the outermost layer of the hair strand cuticle making it brittle, rough and prone to dryness.

Keep your hair dry

Top monsoon hair care tips for women
Do you like getting wet in the drizzle??
Ohhh… nothing can ever beat that but here is the bad news – getting wet in the rains very often is not really good for your hair.
Yes!!!! Rain water is usually acidic and dirty while the increased levels of humidity in monsoon hyper your hair woes.
In monsoons, dry your hair before you leave the house and protect your hair from damage. Traditionally, people with long hair used to dry hair using the towel i.e. after shampooing the wet hair is made to blot using the towel until it is slightly dry. Make sure you don’t comb your hair when wet.

Shampoo twice in a week

Shampoo twice in a week to maintain a healthy scalp and take a bath when you have been walking in the rain. As rainy water left on your scalp for longer time makes you feel itchy and your hair is even susceptible to bacterial or fungal infections and may even lead to dandruff.
Washing your hair every day or too often can multiply the problems you already have with your hair.
Try not to use many hair products in particular ignore hair sprays.

Oil massage

This is one of my favorites!! Take time off from your busy schedule and grab a hair oil of your choice and give your hair strands a natural boost of moisture that can hydrate and revitalize the driest strands in brisk temperatures. Massage the oils till the scalp absorbs some and for deep conditioning you can even put on a plastic cap and/or a hot towel. 

Avoid hair styling

Hair styling in damp monsoon weather can damage your hair.
Tying up your hair tight is not advised in monsoon as it leads to trapping of rain water in your hair and the humidity makes the hair even more frizzy and limp.
Try a loose bun, loose hair, loose side pony tail and protect your hair from humidity exposure. Keep your hair trimmed and short during the monsoons for easy cleaning and maintaining.

Buy waterproof jackets with hoodie

Yes!!! Whenever you step out make sure you carry a water-proof jacket with a hoodie along with you even if you feel it is not going to rain. The waterproof rain coats and jackets help you stay dry. I know many would not prefer weaning one. You can also check out some colorful umbrellas to show off your dress and experience the chilly rainy weather all your way.

Hair care tips during monsoon

Avoid tying of hair: 

How to get rid of fizzy hair this monsoon

During monsoon there is very less chance that your hair will become dry quickly after taking bath. The weather condition may not permit the same. Since the sunlight is not very well visible among the cloud, it will take time in drying your hair. Some people have a tendency of tying the wet hair. This gives rise to hair breakage. Try to keep your hair open wide so that it gets dried with minimum amount of air in atmosphere.

Apply hair conditioner

During monsoons, there is a chance that your hair gets damaged due to the weather condition. Even the hair is backed with unnecessarily frizz. The only thing that can make your hair look attractive is the use of conditioner. You can easily get many conditioners in the market. You must go for the brand that goes with your hair type and apply it all over your hair. This needs to be applied once you have cleaned your hair with shampoo. You hair will become soft, shinny and healthy.

Healthy diet

Only the external modification with regards to the hair health is not enough. Rather, you must go for the right diet. Your hair also requires good amount of protein, vitamins and minerals so that the hair follicles can get strengthen. For this, it will be important to have good amount of food rich in vitamins and minerals. The food particles that you should consider are omega 3 fatty acid, salmon, spinach, dahi, etc.

Manageable hair cut

If you cannot maintain your long hair due to lack of time, it will be better to cut your hair short.  The length of hair must be decided on your manageability. You must cut your hair in such a length that it becomes quite easier for you to manage. Also the hair fall will be quite less. The hair cut can be focused during the monsoons as people trying combing the long hair might end up with tearing of hair from the middle. This will give rise to hair damage and hair breakage.

Written by: Beauty Health Tips

Monday 1 August 2016

Guava benefits for hair, skin and health care

Guava health benefits

Guava leaves are chanted as medical leaves in treating various health problems due to their medicinal values. Some of the health benefits are described below.

Helps to lose weight

Top beauty and nutrition benefits of guava
Guava leaves stops the process of complex starch conversion into sugars, by which it helps to reduce the body weight.

Lowers cholesterol

Some researches have found that drinking tea prepared with the combination of guava leaves will lowers the bad cholesterol levels. Besides, in this process it doesn’t affect the good cholesterol. Sum up to the above it works as good liver tonic and flushes out the waste from this important organ. You need consume the guava leaves tea daily for at least three months to eye the results.

Good for diabetic patients

A research has found that guava leaf lowers the blood glucose by the process of lowering the alpha-glucosidease enzyme activity. On the other side it controls the body from absorbing sucrose and lactose through which sugar levels will hang at control.

Guava skin benefits cures acne and dark spots.

Top best skin care tips for women

One needs to solve their acne scars and dark spots in order to enhance their real beauty. In such cases take the help of guava leaves which contributes in removing them by its antiseptic properties. This special property kills the bacteria that generate acne. Prepare a paste from guava leaves with the addition of water and apply over the affected area.  Leave it for few minutes. Rinse off with water and pat. Repeat the same process until to discover the results.

Black heads removal

To remove the black heads that are formed near to your nose, chin and other areas. Just grind the guava leave with enough amount of water and scrub it on the black heads area.

Treats anti-aging

The cause for the anti-aging and wrinkles is increase in the count of free radical molecules. They can be lowered by antioxidants, which is one specie property of guava leaves. Prepare a decoction from guava leaves by boiling the leaves on water and apply over the face to increase the skin firmness and to stimulate tone and texture.

Health benefits of drinking guava juice

Yet another amazing quality of guava is its allergy clogging property. Allergies are main reasons for various kinds of itches, by reducing the allergies, itches will also come down.

Aids digestion

Another amazing benefit of guava leaves tea includes regulating the digestion by fueling the production of digestive enzymes in the body. The antibacterial properties of guava leave defeats the bacteria present in the stomach.

Guava leaves offers perk in the case of food poisoning and even helps to cure vomiting and nausea problems. To get the relief from stomach pain, boil the water and steep handful of guava leaves in it. Strain the solution and drink for three times in a day.

Guava benefits for hair Aids to stop hair fall

Guava leaves have the ability in controlling hair fall. Boil handful of guava leaves in a litre of water around 15 to 20 minutes. Strain the water and apply over the scalp and roots after the water reaches to room temperature.

Written by: Beauty Health Tips