
Thursday 11 August 2016

Honey for Skin

Honey has antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidants activities and has high nutrient value. In this study we investigated the potential use of topical application of crude honey in the management of seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. 
        Thirty patients with chronic seborrheic dermatitis of scalp, face and front of chest were entered for study. Twenty patients were males and 10 were females, their ages ranged between 15 and 60 years. The patients had scaling, itching and hair loss. The lesions were scaling macules, papules and dry white plaques with crust and fissures. The patients were asked to apply diluted crude honey (90% honey diluted in warm water) every other day on the lesions with gentle rubbing for 2-3 mins. Honey was left for 3 hr before gentle rinsing with warm water. The patients were followed daily for itching, scaling, hair loss and the lesions were examined. 
         Treatment was continued for 4 weeks. The improved patients were included in a prophylactic phase, lasting six months. Half patients were treated with the topical honey once weekly and the other half served as control. All the patients responded markedly with application of honey. Itching was relieved and scaling was disappeared within one week. Skin lesions were healed and disappeared completely within 2 weeks. 
          In addition, patients showed subjective improvement in hair loss. None of the patients ( 15 patients) treated with honey application once weekly for six months showed relapse while the 12/15 patients who had no prophylactic treatment with honey experienced a relapse of the lesions 2-4 months after stopping treatment. It might be concluded that crude honey could markedly improve seborrheic dermatitis and associated hair loss and prevent relapse when applied weekly.

Dubai Specialised Medical Centre and Medical Research Labs.

Honey combats skin and scalp infections

          There are many health benefits of honey on skin and scalp well being as well. In a small-scale  study  with  30  patients  that  looked  at  the  effects of honey on treating  seborrheic  dermatitis  and d andruff, participants applied diluted crude honey  every  alternate  day  by  gently  rubbing  their  problem  areas for 2 - 3 minutes.  The honey  was  left  in place for three hours before being washed off with  warm  water.  All  the  patients  showed improvement with the treatment. Itching   was   relieved   and   scaling   disappeared  in  a  week,  while  lesions disappeared  in  two  weeks.  The patients’  hair  loss  situation also improved. 

What’s more, patients who continued the treatment for six months by applying honey once a week did not suffer from a relapse.

Written By: Isha Foundation

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