
Monday 1 August 2016

Guava benefits for hair, skin and health care

Guava health benefits

Guava leaves are chanted as medical leaves in treating various health problems due to their medicinal values. Some of the health benefits are described below.

Helps to lose weight

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Guava leaves stops the process of complex starch conversion into sugars, by which it helps to reduce the body weight.

Lowers cholesterol

Some researches have found that drinking tea prepared with the combination of guava leaves will lowers the bad cholesterol levels. Besides, in this process it doesn’t affect the good cholesterol. Sum up to the above it works as good liver tonic and flushes out the waste from this important organ. You need consume the guava leaves tea daily for at least three months to eye the results.

Good for diabetic patients

A research has found that guava leaf lowers the blood glucose by the process of lowering the alpha-glucosidease enzyme activity. On the other side it controls the body from absorbing sucrose and lactose through which sugar levels will hang at control.

Guava skin benefits cures acne and dark spots.

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One needs to solve their acne scars and dark spots in order to enhance their real beauty. In such cases take the help of guava leaves which contributes in removing them by its antiseptic properties. This special property kills the bacteria that generate acne. Prepare a paste from guava leaves with the addition of water and apply over the affected area.  Leave it for few minutes. Rinse off with water and pat. Repeat the same process until to discover the results.

Black heads removal

To remove the black heads that are formed near to your nose, chin and other areas. Just grind the guava leave with enough amount of water and scrub it on the black heads area.

Treats anti-aging

The cause for the anti-aging and wrinkles is increase in the count of free radical molecules. They can be lowered by antioxidants, which is one specie property of guava leaves. Prepare a decoction from guava leaves by boiling the leaves on water and apply over the face to increase the skin firmness and to stimulate tone and texture.

Health benefits of drinking guava juice

Yet another amazing quality of guava is its allergy clogging property. Allergies are main reasons for various kinds of itches, by reducing the allergies, itches will also come down.

Aids digestion

Another amazing benefit of guava leaves tea includes regulating the digestion by fueling the production of digestive enzymes in the body. The antibacterial properties of guava leave defeats the bacteria present in the stomach.

Guava leaves offers perk in the case of food poisoning and even helps to cure vomiting and nausea problems. To get the relief from stomach pain, boil the water and steep handful of guava leaves in it. Strain the solution and drink for three times in a day.

Guava benefits for hair Aids to stop hair fall

Guava leaves have the ability in controlling hair fall. Boil handful of guava leaves in a litre of water around 15 to 20 minutes. Strain the water and apply over the scalp and roots after the water reaches to room temperature.

Written by: Beauty Health Tips

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