
Sunday 31 July 2016

Natural Conditioners

Best Homemade Natural Conditioners for Common Hair Problems
We always envy those models in the hair styling product ads flaunting their long, smooth and shiny tresses making it look so easy and effortless. But no matter how many chemical conditioners and hair masks we try, our hair never matches up to them. Instead of loading on the harmful chemicals, let us turn to nature and reap the benefits of its nourishing care with the help of natural ingredients and homemade natural hair conditioners such as henna hair recipes that work equally well as their artificial counterparts. Hair care is an extensive overall process that involves proper hygiene, cleaning, moisturizing and treating and conditioning is only a part of it.

In recent times, the popularity of using hair conditioner has increased greatly with the increasing awareness about hair and scalp health. Conditioning the hair is as important as oiling and shampooing because the styling products such as hot iron and blow dryers damage the hair, and a natural hair conditioner helps in repairing the damage. Nourishing hair conditioners prevent hair fall problems by providing the essential vitamins and proteins to the hair follicles. In addition, hair conditioners add a natural shine and gloss to the traces and prevent dryness and frizziness.

Top 5 Common Hair Problems:

Although, maintaining and caring for hair seems to be a colossal task for most of us, but if we can identify and understand the basic problems of our tresses then it becomes relatively easy to treat and protect those luscious locks from damage.

Split Ends: Split end is most common among women as they flaunt longer hair styles. Split ends occur when the tip of the hair is stripped off its protective cuticle, and the damaged hair splits into two or even three ends. The split may be as long as three centimeters in length. As hair grows, the natural oils produced by the scalp fail to reach the end of the hair that result in dry and brittleness.

Hair Split Ends
Hair that has been exposed to too much heat, styling products and treated with hot irons and dryers are also prone to brittleness and splitting. Hair is considered old as soon as it reaches ten centimeters in length and, therefore, regular trimming of about ¼ inches every 8 weeks is necessary to keep it in perfect order.

Hair fall/ Breakage: Normally, hair growth follows a regular cycle. It grows for the first few years, then rests for 2-3 months and then falls out and is replaced by new strands of hair. A person loses 80-100 hair each day. But in certain cases hair fall is aggravated due to certain reasons such as excessive use of heating tools for straightening or perming, reaction to chemicals present in artificial styling products, hair colouring and hormonal changes.

Hair fall

Dandruff: Dandruff is one of the most common scalp problems that the majority of people suffer from. It is a condition of abnormal flaking of scalp skin marked by itching. Although, it is not a serious disease in itself, but it is highly embarrassing and irritating, and others may be repulsed by your flaky scalp. Dandruff is caused by various reasons such as poor hygiene, Seborrhoeic Dermatitis, dry skin, stress, improper diet, excessive use of hair products.

Frizzy Hair: A lot of women suffer from the problem of frizzy, unmanageable hair. This problem is caused due to lack of moisture in the hair, washing hair too often, harsh chemicals in shampoos, stress and poor diet. To retain moisture in your hair wash hair at intervals using a mild moisturizing shampoo followed by a conditioner. Try to use natural hair masks for frizzy hair. Try to limit the use of heated styling tools. Wear a swimming cap the next time you hit the pool.

Dull/ Greasy Hair: Greasy or oily hair is caused by over production of a waxy substance called sebum from the sebaceous glands that gives the hair a dull, limp and lifeless appearance. Greasy hair is hard to control and difficult to style because it tends to clump together. In order to control the oil in the hair, use an oil control mild shampoo, and apply conditioners at least an inch away from your scalp. Try to avoid gel based styling products such as pomades and mousse.

Greasy Hair

9 Best Natural Conditioners for Soft, Smooth Hair:

Stop spending big bucks on artificial hair conditioners loaded with chemicals that do more harm than good for your hair and go natural with these natural hair conditioners that can be easily prepared in your home.

Banana, Honey and Olive Oil Deep Conditioner:

This is the best natural conditioner for soft, smooth hair, and those who are looking for straighter styling can go for this one. The benefits of olive oil for body and hair are well known. The secret lies in the banana that minimizes shrinkage, and the olive oil penetrates deep into the hair to supply it with moisturizers. This remedy can be used once every week for best results.


Banana, Honey and Olive oil Deep Conditioner
1 Ripe Banana
2 Table Spoon Honey
2 Table Spoon Olive oil


Blend all the ingredients in a blender to make a smooth paste. Apply it to hair and leave on for half an hour. Wear a shower cap to avoid dripping. Rinse thoroughly with water. Remember that banana can stick to your hair so you will need to rinse your hair with patience and apply shampoo after the pack is completely washed away.

Egg, Yogurt and Mayonnaise Conditioner:

The vitamins present in eggs helps increase the natural oils in the scalp thereby reducing dryness and dandruff and strengthens the hair follicles. It also prevents hair fall. Yogurt helps to make hair soft and lustrous. It is undoubtedly one of the best hair fall remedies that also treat damaged hair. This remedy can be repeated twice every week for best results.


Egg, Yogurt and Mayonnaise Conditioner
1 Cup Plain Unflavoured Yogurt
½ Cup Mayonnaise
1 Egg


Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl and whisk well. Lather it on hair from root to tip. Wear a shower cap and let it dry for 40 minutes. Wash off really well with normal or lukewarm water. Do not use warm water for washing. Follow it up with a mild shampoo.

Coconut Oil and Honey Conditioner:

Coconut oil remedy is one of the best solutions to the question of how to reverse grey hair to black naturally. This is easy to prepare homemade hair conditioner for dry hair that contains the goodness of natural coconut oil and honey. While honey helps in moisturizing the rough strands of hair, pure coconut oil makes up for the keratin loss. It helps in moisturizing and strengthening the hair follicles from root to tip. This remedy can be repeated 2 to 3 times every week for most effective results.

Ingredients: Coconut Oil and Honey Conditioner

3-4 Table Spoon Pure Coconut Oil
2 table Spoon Honey


Mix the ingredients in a small glass bowl and heat the mixture indirectly by placing it in a bowl of warm water. Apply it thoroughly on wet hair and scalp and wear a shower cap. Leave it on for half an hour and wash off with water.

Cinnamon, Honey and Milk Conditioner:

The use honey on chapped lips is well known. It is an effective natural humectant that reserves moisture in the skin and hair. This nourishing natural conditioner is rich in milk proteins such as casein and whey that adds volume, moisture and gloss to hair. Cinnamon helps improve blood circulation to the scalp and roots thereby making hair strong and healthy. The combination of nourishing milk protein and honey makes it the best conditioner for frizzy hair. This remedy can be repeated twice every week for best results.


Cinnamon, Honey and Milk Conditioner
2 Table Spoon Powered Cinnamon
2 Table Spoon Honey
2 Eggs
4 Table Spoon Milk
1/4th Cup Mayonnaise


Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl and heat it slightly by placing it in a bowl of warm water. Apply the heated mixture onto scalp and hair and let it sit for half an hour. Wear a shower cap and secure it with a towel as things can go messy. Wash off well with water followed by a mild shampoo.

Avocado, Shea Butter and Apple Cider Vinegar Conditioner:

This moisturizer rich homemade hair conditioner is ideal for those with thick wavy hair as it gives maximum slip and lubrication that helps to detangle the tresses and straighten the kinks. It is the best conditioner for hair of all types – straight, wavy and curly. This remedy should be repeated twice a month for best results.


Avocado, Shea Butter and Apple Cider Vinegar Conditioner
1 Ripe Avocado
½ Cup Shea Butter
3 Table Spoons Apple Cider Vinegar


Mix all the ingredients in a blender and blend really well. Apply it to hair and scalp and let it dry for half an hour. Wear a shower cap if needed.  Wash off with water.

Orange, Yogurt and Coconut Milk Conditioner:

This is a complete natural conditioner for hair that prevents nagging hair fall problem and an effective natural way to treat dandruff. The natural conditioning property of oranges helps in maintaining softness, shine and strength of hair. Vitamin C and bioflavonoids present in oranges prevents hair breakage and stimulates hair growth. Vitamin E and fats in coconut milk moisturize and nourish hair. This remedy can be repeated once every week for gorgeous hair.

Ingredients: Orange, Yogurt and Coconut Milk Conditioner

1 Cup Natural Yogurt
1/4th Cup Orange Juice
4 Table Spoons Lemon Juice
1/4th Cup Coconut Milk
1 Egg


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and apply to damp hair and cover with a shower cap. Let it sit for half an hour and wash well with a mild shampoo.

Shea Butter and Vitamin E Oil Conditioner:

Shea butter has become a popular ingredient in a wide range of skin care products because of its nourishing and hydrating properties. Shea butter is a fatty substance that is extracted from the nuts of Shea tree. It is the perfect natural ingredient for curing split ends. It also helps in enhancing the volume and thickness of hair. This remedy can be repeated twice every month for noticeable results.


Shea Butter
1 Cup Shea Butter
½ cup Olive oil
1 Teaspoon Vitamin E oil


Add the Shea butter in a saucepan and heat on medium flame till it melts. Add olive oil to it, mix with a spoon, remove from flame and let it cool completely. Now, add the vitamin E oil and mix well to have a mousse like consistency. Apply the mixture on your hair evenly, wait for 1 hour and wash off with a mild shampoo. You can store the rest of the mixture in an airtight container for future use.

Sesame Seed Oil and Aloe Vera Gel Conditioner:

Although, there are a wide range of health benefits of sesame oil, but it is mainly known for its infection-fighting benefits thanks to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and, therefore, it makes an amazing ingredient for healing scalp fungus, dandruff, itchiness and scalp infections. Pure aloe vera gel also helps in soothing and cooling the scalp and reducing inflammation. This remedy can be repeated once every week.

Ingredients: Sesame Seed Oil and Aloe Vera Gel Conditioner

2 Tablespoons Sesame Seed Oil
2 Tablespoons Aloe Vera Gel
1 Cup Unflavoured Yogurt
1 Tablespoon Olive oil


Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl to make a smooth and even paste. Now, apply the paste thoroughly on damp hair and leave it on for 1 hour. Rinse with water followed by a mild shampoo.
Mint and Tea Conditioner:

The combination of mint and tea makes it one of the best homemade remedies for oily hair. Both green and black tea are extremely beneficial for hair because the minerals and vitamins found in tea liquor help in strengthen the hair strands and provides a smooth and manageable texture to it. Mint helps in cooling the scalp and preventing rashes and scalp infections during hot summer days. This remedy can be repeated 2 to 3 times a week to beat the summer heat.

Ingredients: Mint and Tea Conditioner

A handful of mint leaves
2 tablespoons of black tea leaf
3 cups of Water


Wash and chop the mint leaves and add them to 2 cups of boiling water. Boil till the water reduces to half and then strain the liquid. Keep aside and let it cool. Heat a cup of water in a pan and add the tea leaves to it, Boil for 5 to 6 minutes or till you get a strong liquor. Strain the tea and let it cool. Mix the tea liquor and mint water together and rinse your hair with this mixture after shampooing to keep your hair refreshed, smooth and shining.
Gift your hair the wholesome goodness of nature and don’t forget to share your homemade hair conditioner recipes with us.
Written By: Deblina Biswas

Men's Best Beard Styles

Written By : Be With Style      

Now, men are also competitive in being fashionable. For this, men do lots of efforts on their dressing, shoes, beards and hairstyles also. For a man, his manliness is a very unique thing. It is unique because women are not supposed to copy it completely. In this age, manliness refers to being bold, tall, dark and handsome. The way a man gets dressed up, it matters a lot. 

It matters because currently the first impression is calculated on the basis of good dressing sense and facial looks. In the office, on an informal place, everywhere these basic points are noted. You already know that now men are also conscious about their looks, about their weight, about their height. Not only this, attention is also paid on men's beard styles. Men can get ideas for a new facial style by following a men's celebrity hairstyles. A complete personality of a man should be rocking and effective. In this personality, including all the things mentioned above, the styles of beards of men is also considered. 

The styles of a man’s beard are available in a large variety. The shapes, colors, shades all are different. For an idea, you can check the photos here of men's haircuts 2014. These all are latest and taken up by celebs. Some black facial hair and chin facial hair are looking extremely good on celebrities. The men celebs also focus on choosing the styles of their beards and hairstyles. Some new and innovative ideas can be taken from men's celebrity hairstyles. This is because celebs usually take up the best from the list. 

In this post, many men's beard styles are shown in pictures. 

From there also, you can choose a good men's haircut 2014 and beards also. Doing a black facial hair like Vector is good for you, if you have such facial hairs. For chin facial hair, Johnny Depp’s beard style in good. 

In this modern age, some like trimmed beards and hairstyles and some like bushy kind of beards. The men's celebrity hairstyles can be seen in both shades, trimmed and bushy. JON Hamm Hugh Jackman beard is a perfect example for bushy beard styles. 

If you have thick chin hair then you can try this men's beard styles. No one likes the same hairstyle for the whole life. Every man wants a change in his hairstyle after some time. And repetition in this fashion world is avoided a lot. So for new hairstyles, men's haircuts 2014 is the perfect destination to reach.

 The black facial hair style beards are in trend from a long time. It suits all face cuts and all complexions. It is a standard type of beard. Apart from this, the chin facial hair is the invention of upcoming trends in fashion. The styles of beards and hairstyles, started changing and it came into existence. You must have noticed a changing pattern in many men's celebrity hairstyles. 

Some men get their beards done by themselves. But some prefer to go to the salon and get the beards done. Along with this, men's beard styles are also not same all the time. The styles vary in the form of classic, cool, royal, etc. ideas.
 That’s why men's haircuts 2014 and latest style of beards are visible. To get a black facial hair, first of all do not clean shave your facial hairs. Let them grow a little. Now, if you want trimmed beard and make the beard when it grew a little. If you want a thick pattern of beard, let it grow for few more days. And then get your beard style done. One thing that is common in beards and hairstyles is that both of them take time during starting. 
For a particular hairstyle, you need a particular length of your hair. In the same way, for a beard style, you need a pattern of facial hairs. The men's celebrity hairstyles are so large in variety because they keep on changing the length of their hairs and beards. 

The French cut beard style of Amitabh Bachchan is a very popular men's beard styles. The hairstyles and beards of David Beckham and Harrison Ford some most popular men's haircuts 2014. The advantage of black facial hair is that you don’t need to dye them. In the case of chin facial hair, the coloring and trimming is necessary. 

All the men have some difference in their beards. Some have thick hair, some have thin. The color also varies in the form of dark and light. There is no argument that beards and moustache have always been a symbol of bold and ironic man. In modern age also, these symbols are carried in a very sleek and elegant form. Whether it is a celebrity or a normal person, beards are a part of every man’s life.

1. Amitab Bachchan French Cut Beard Style 

2. Batman Actor Christian Beards Facial Hairs

3.Famous Footballer David Beckham Bread

4. Harrison Ford Bread Facial And Hairstyles

5. Joaquin Trendy beard And Moustache Syles.

6. JON Hamm Hugh Jackman Beards Styles

7. Josh Brolin Chin Beard Styles For Round Face

8. Pierce Brosnan Beards Design

9. Ryan Gosling Beard Fashion

10. Zack Fron Beard Hair

Men's Hair care

No one wants to lose their hair but for a lot of us, it's inevitable. Don’t blame us, blame your parents, as it’s them you’ve got it from.
However, we can help.  Unfortunately we can’t give you £30,000 for a hair transplant – you need to be earning Wayne Rooney’s type of wage to get that - but what we can give you are a set of clever tips that will help thicken your hair.
They don’t cost a lot, and they’re quick and easy.
1. Get washing
Many men worry that the more they wash their hair the more they'll lose but in reality washing actually makes hair look thicker because dirty, greasy hair lies flat and looks ‘gappy'. For best results use a regular use shampoo like Head & Shoulders anti-dandruff shampoo For Men  and wash with warm water (the hot stuff dries out the hair and scalp).
2. Big up your barnet
"Thickening shampoos, conditioners and sprays contain special polymers which plump up the hair shafts to make them look fuller," says Daniel Morrissey, Franchise Owner at Toni & Guy. The effects are only temporary so you'll need to use them regularly but they can increase hair thickness by up to 20%.
3. Put the comb down
Ditch the comb. Constant combing and brushing can make thin hair look limp and flat so try styling with your fingers instead and you'll add volume and texture.
4. Use the right styling products
If you're using heavy waxes and gels on thinning hair you're not doing it any favours. "These can weigh hair down making it look thin and flat," says top  Michael John hair stylist Enzo Volpe. "The most effective styling product to give hair volume is mousse, along with sprays developed to give the hair "root lift."
5. Pack in the fags
According to a study by Harvard School of Public Health in America, smoking not only increases levels of hormones that can trigger hair loss, it also constricts the tiny blood vessels that supply the scalp, starving your hair of the nutrients it needs for growth. Stub it out to stop it falling out.
6. Put the wind up your hair
Blow-drying is a good way to give fine hair more volume but don't flame-grill it or you'll damage your hair's natural proteins, making it brittle.
7. Protect your pate
Allowing your bonce to bake in scorching heat is a recipe for disaster. As well as making hair brittle and fragile, sunburn causes the scalp to produce a compound called superoxide that can cause hair follicles to switch from a growth phase to a shedding one.
8. Don't be so rough!
Human hair is three times weaker when wet and over-combing or rough towel drying can damage it and cause snapping – the last thing you want if you're already a bit thin on top. Instead, let hair dry naturally or gently pat dry and style with your fingers to give it more texture.
9. Stock up on soya
New research shows that a molecule produced in the intestine when soya is digested could halt the balding process because it blocks the effect of the hormone that triggers hair loss. Worth a try and a lot better than most supposed baldness cures (like getting cows to lick your head).
10. Get a better cut
Many men try to deal with baldness by growing their hair or playing with partings when in reality a shorter cut is always more flattering, so go for a classic crop or an unstructured one if you've still got some hair to play with. Both will help make it look denser and draw attention away from your hair loss and towards your face.
"If your hair's not as thick as it used to be ask your stylist about slicing and brick cutting," suggests Jen Deighton, Art Director of Toni & Guy in Sunderland. "If done finely these cutting techniques can create a more textured finish which will, in turn, make hair appear thicker"
Written By: Men's Health

For Men's Blackheads

It’s tempting to squeeze blackheads, but it’s a bad idea. Squeezing blackheads—those annoying little black dots that pop up on your nose and chin areas—is just a bad idea.

Blackheads form when oils and skin cells get trapped in open hair follicles, according to Heidi Waldorf, M.D., a professor of dermatology at Icahn School of Medicine of Mount Sinai. Since they’re open, the air oxidizes the oil, turning them black. (If the follicle was closed, it would become a whitehead.)

But trying to get rid of blackheads with your fingers will only irritate your skin and cause redness and permanent scarring, says Dr. Waldorf. Instead, use the following ways to get rid of them without destroying your skin in the process.

Over the Counter

For mild cases of blackheads, an over-the-counter cleanser is key.
Choose a formula with salicylic acid over benzoyl peroxide, says Dr. Waldorf. Benzoyl peroxide works better on red pimples because it stops the formation of blemishes. Salicylic acid, on the other hand, can get deeper into pores and fight blackheads.

Wash your face morning and night with the medicated cleanser. Use your hands and warm water for a gentle cleanse because a washcloth will be too rough on your skin.

For a deeper daily wash, consider getting a cleansing brush, which uses a rotating brush. The bristles loosen trapped dirt and oils in your pores that your hands can’t reach—but the soft brush won’t irritate your skin. 

If you’re strapped for time after a workout, use a face wipe to keep your pores clear.

Fair warning: The acids in these cleansers will dry out your skin, so it’s essential to use a moisturizer day and night. Look for something light and for oil-prone skin—a heavy cream that isn’t made for your face will worsen blackheads.

Dr. Waldorf recommends using moisturizers in the morning and at night to prevent irritation.


If OTC isn’t enough, it might be time to call in backup.
A dermatologist can determine the best solution for your breakout and skin type. This means fewer trips to the drugstore and a long-term solution.
Patience is key here: it takes about two months for your skin to improve.

Blackheads can be stubborn.

Using a cleanser or prescription regularly will loosen the buildup of oil and skin cells—but they may not be able to fully remove a blackhead from the root. That’s when you want to head to a dermatologist for a professional chemical peel or extraction for easy elimination.

Dr. Waldorf says to stick to the experts for this one. Although at-home peels exist, you’re more likely to irritate your skin.
These processes only get rid of pre-existing blackheads, however. You’ll need to keep up your skincare routine to prevent future breakouts.

You’ll also want to follow Dr. Waldorf three big no’s: no sun, no cigarettes, no picking. These all damage your skin and exacerbate blackheads.

Written By: Men's Health

Men's Skin Care

Men’s skincare should be straight forward and easy. There is no need for five-step peels or multiple layers of creams. Buy high quality, all natural products and your face will thank you (and the woman of your life will probably steal your products too).
The following men's skin care routine should be performed daily- most likely upon waking up and before going to bed. It’s easy to follow and will guarantee a better looking complexion.

Men's Face Care:


Splash warm water on your face or even better, take a shower to open up your pores to allow dirt out.
Apply a dime sized amount of men's face wash to your face, any more is just a waste of your hard earned dollars. DO NOT use soap as the vast majority contain chemicals that are too harsh for the face.

Lather up your face for 30 seconds with your face wash by lightly rubbing in a circular motion. Try not to pull down on the skin as you don’t want to help gravity and expedite the natural occurrence of wrinkles/loose skin.

Rinse with cool water as this will shrink your pores, preventing new dirt and oil from entering. 

Pat your face dry as rubbing your face encourages premature wrinkling from stretching the skin.

Avoid washing your face more than twice a day as this can cause unnecessary dryness.

You should also use a men's face scrub 1-2x a week to exfoliate your skin, which removes dead skin cells from clogging up pores and dulling your complexion. Also, avoid using face scrub more than twice a week as it can severely dry out your skin.


Moisturize your skin with a men’s face moisturizer by adding a dime sized amount to your entire face. Hydrating your face keeps it generally looking good, prevents aging and wrinkles, and prevents excess oil production.

If you’re worried about your forehead wrinkles and crows-feet around your eyes, a small amount of anti-aging cream can help smooth them out and tighten your skin. For even better results to repair and restore aging eyes, use an eye cream for men, as it will not only smooth wrinkles around the eyes, but reduce bags and puffiness.

Want more anti - aging tips for men?

Read our Top 5 Anti Aging Tips for Men and Top 3 Reasons to Use an Eye Cream for Men.

If you’re going to be in the sun for an extended period of time (over 30 minutes), apply SPF30 or higher designed for the face to protect the skin from sun damage.

Men's Body Care

Like face care, men’s body care starts with a hot shower, which opens up your pores, allowing dirt and bad oils to be easily excreted.

Bar Soap vs. Liquid Cleansers for Men

The choice to use bar soap or a body wash is purely preferential. If you have dry skin though, you should try a body wash as they usually have more moisturizers in them including Vitamin E, olive oil, and jojoba oil.

Body Moisturizers

Most guys don’t use a body moisturizer and that’s ok since many guys have oily skin. However, for guys who have dry skin or parts that are really dry, a men’s body lotion is the perfect remedy. Apply the lotion immediately after showering to your skin and focus on areas that dry out the most, including elbows, knees, shoulders, lower legs, and hands.

Men's Hand Cream

Hands can be a unique body part for men as many professions and sports require frequent use of hands. Thus, guy's hands are susceptible to becoming dry, chapped, and cracked quite easily. The best men's hand lotion should offer rich hydration, without a greasy feel.

Written By: Brickell

Saturday 30 July 2016

Winter Skin Care

Winter is here and your skin demands more attention during such times. This year let nothing artificial spoil the natural glow on your face.

Five simple Ayurveda tips to keep your skin glowing -

1.It′s important to moisturize your skin from the inside, particularly through the winter season, to keep the inner layers of the skin away from drying out and to provide necessary nutrients to the surface. Drink lots of water, and in cold weather, drink warm water to open the channels and help clear away toxins. Include plenty of vegetables and sweet, juicy fruits in your diet to moisturize the skin. Be sure to eat healthy oils, such as ghee and olive oil to provide essential lubrication. Massaging your body skin on a daily basis is also essential to keep the skin young and healthy.
2.Different skin types require different foods. Vata Skin is dry, thin, small-pored, delicate, and cool to the touch. Or your skin may be more Pitta Skin - fair, sensitive, soft, warm and of medium thickness. Kapha Skin tends to age slower and form less wrinkles than the other two types. It is thick, oily, pale, soft and cool.

Once you determine your skin-type, you can follow the Vata, Pitta, or Kapha pacifying dietary guidelines to keep your skin balanced, healthy and youthful.

Vata skin types, for instance, will want to eat warm, unctuous foods and favour the sweet, sour and salty tastes to balance the dry, rough, moving Vata dosha.

If you have a Pitta skin type you will thrive on sweet, bitter and astringent tastes, as found in sweet, juicy fruits, rose petal preserve, and cooked greens. Avoid hot, spicy foods.

The oiliness of Kapha type skin calls for a diet that is warmer, lighter, less oily, and free of heavy, hard to digest foods. Eating more bitter, astringent and pungent tastes help stimulate digestion and balance Kapha skin. 

3.Harsh chemicals in your shampoo, skin products, or soaps irritate the skin and cause it to become overworked and overheated. Use skin care products that contain all-natural ingredients and are designed to balance and nourish all seven layers of the skin. It′s also essential to avoid eating chemicals and preservatives in your food by buying organic foods whenever possible. 

4.Every skin type needs cleansing, but Kapha skin needs it the most. Ama (toxins) collects in the body, clogs the channels of the skin and causes excessive oil on the surface. Many people with Kapha skin try to counteract oiliness with products that have drying effects. Instead, try cleansing the pores so the skin can be nourished from the inside. The Kapha person should be careful not to clog their pores by using greasy creams, exposing their skin to freezing weather, or by eating heavy, sweet, oily foods. Take warm baths, cleanse with a gentle herbal cleanser. Vata skin types should avoid any products that are too drying. Pitta types should avoid products that are too abrasive or heating. 

5.Take a warm bath before and after exposing your skin to freezing temperatures for a long period of time. Any time it′s freezing outside, the pores of the skin freeze shut and heat is retained in the deeper layers. This heat dries out the skin and lowers its resistance to the sun. Drink plenty of water, and avoid hot water if your skin is photosensitive.

Written By: Desi Dieter

Skin Care for Winter

The summer sun — our skin's worst enemy — is retreating, but Old Man Winter is in quick pursuit. Heaters are on, the wind is dry and biting, and our skin is on red alert. Dryness and dehydration can sap skin of its youthful fullness and glow, adding years to our faces and promoting premature wrinkling. 

Fortunately, Maharishi Ayurveda, the comprehensive system of natural medicine from ancient India, offers a variety of effective solutions to protect our skin and help us look beautiful and youthful all year long.

According to Maharishi Ayurveda, cold, dry air and windy wintry weather, all aggravate our body's air and space elements, or vata principle. Simply put, the dryness and cold outside of us create dryness and coldness inside of us, per Ayurveda's "principle of similarities." To balance vata and protect our skin in the winter, we in turn need to apply the "principle of opposites," favoring warm foods and drinks, soups and other water-rich foods, and including healthy oils to fight winter dryness.

The key to keeping our skin moist and "lubed" during the winter months lies in adequate water and oil—both inside and on the outside of our bodies. Our skin needs both to stay healthy and youthful. Drinking plenty of water plumps our skin, minimizing fine wrinkles. Eating healthy oils and massaging them into the skin help hold moisture in and give our complexions a satiny glow. (See tips below for details.)

The skin is also an important organ of purification. Maharishi Ayurveda and modern science both link the skin with liver function. The skin has many of the same enzymes as the liver—including those involved in detoxification. If our body gets overloaded with toxins, our skin reflects it in rashes, itching, and even accelerated aging.

Furthermore, in the winter, our pores tend to "close up" to protect us from heat loss, dryness and the cold. Toxins are then extra likely to build up in the body during the winter. To avoid toxin buildup and help keep your skin clear through the winter months, work up a sweat on a regular basis during the winter through exercise (best) or warm baths or saunas.

Come spring, our bodies begin to detoxify from the long winter. Toxins on the move can cause flare ups such as rashes, itching and other skin problems. To head off these beauty breakers before they arise, Maharishi Ayurveda advises a gentle internal cleansing be performed at the change of season.

To ensure you stay "body beautiful" this winter, follow these five fabulous ways to keep your skin plumped, oiled and glowing:

1.Get in the habit of "oiling up" each morning with the Ayurvedic self-massage, "abhyanga," (rhymes with I'll be younger!) before your bath or shower. This will lubricate and protect your skin and give your complexion a radiant sheen that lasts throughout the day.

Don't be surprised if your friends tell you how great you look, and be sure to share your secret!

2.Be sure to drink plenty of pure spring water each day. Rather than cold or iced (which aggravates vata,) drink your water warm, or at least at room temperature. Ideally, boil your water in the morning for 5 minutes, then pour in a thermos that you take with you for the day. Drink the water throughout the day, at a comfortably warm temperature. This will soothe your vata as you hydrate your skin, and help curb cravings and overeating at the same time!

3.Include more of the following oil-rich foods in your daily diet. They are high in omega-3's or other healthy fatty acids! Nuts (especially walnuts and blanched almonds,) ground flaxseeds, sunflower, sesame and pumpkin seeds, fresh coconut, avocado, olive oil, ghee in small amounts (if you don't have a cholesterol problem), and green leafy vegetables (they contain omega 3's and help purify the skin and liver.) Do remember, organic and fresh is always best!

4.Exercise for at least 30 minutes each day, outdoors when weather allows. Work up a sweat at least twice a week.

5.If your skin is super dry, try running a steam-based humidifier in your bedroom at night. This prevents excess water loss from your body during the night and can do wonders for dry, itchy winter skin.

Written By: Dr.Nancy Lonsdorf

Winter Care for dry skin

Winter is the worst season for people who have dry skin - flaking, itchiness and tautness is usual and neglect of daily care can easily lead to habitual dehydration, with sensitive skins and red patches.
Therefore, going that extra step to pamper the skin with moisturizers and emollients is imperative. Renowned beauty and skincare expert Shahnaz Husain suggests the following tips to care for your skin during the winter months.

For normal to dry skin
 Use a cleanser containing Aloe Vera, cactus and lemon. Aloe Vera has the power to restore moisture and has potent healing properties too. It is an anti-oxidant that speeds up the process of cell-renewal. An aloe cleanser helps in softening and removing dead cells, accelerates cell regeneration and delays ageing.

Keep the skin moisturized, always

 During winter, the outer layer of skin becomes very dry therefore it is important to keep the skin moisturized. Even those who have oily skin must use light moisturizing lotions after cleansing to keep the skin soft.

Use a sunscreen

 People like to enjoy the sun during winter but little do they know that exposure to the sun can hasten ageing. Therefore, one must use a sunscreen 15 minutes before going out in order to allow the skin to absorb it. If you stay out in the sun for more than 30 minutes, reapply the sunscreen.

Skin nourishment

 Nourish the skin every night if you have normal to dry skin. Apply a skin life anti-ageing cream and massage it on the skin with a little water. Use outward and slightly upward strokes. Ensure that the cream is rich in Vitamins A and E.

For very dry skin

-If your skin is very dry and dehydrated, avoid using soap.

-Apply a lemon-turmeric cream before washing or bathing. It protects the skin from further moisture depletion. It also softens the skin. The healing property of turmeric soothes and cures dehydrated skin.

-After a bath, apply a body lotion while the skin is still damp. It helps to seal the moisture.

Heal those cracked heels

 Soak your feet in warm water at night for 15 minutes. Scrub with a pumice stone. Apply apricot cream and tie gauze around the heels and feet like a bandage. Keep this on the whole night. Do this every night for a week.

Hair care during winter

 Heat pure coconut oil and apply on scalp and hair ends. Wrap a hot towel and let it stay for sometime. Next morning, wash your hair with a mild herbal shampoo.

For soft hands

 - Add some sugar to lemon juice and use the mixture to scrub the hands. It has a softening effect.

 - Massage cream on the hands soon after bathing and washing clothes.

Written By: Shahnaz Husain’s

Thursday 28 July 2016

Coconut for beauty

10 Amazing Beauty Tricks With Coconut Oil

Discover the natural beauty benefits of coconut oil for your hair, skin, and face

Let's work backwards. When you think about the health benefits of coconut oil, we're going to guess that the last thing that comes to mind is rubbing the edible plant grease all over your face. Or your arms. Or coconut oil for your hair. But a growing body of research, countless experts, and an army of natural-beauty devotees swear by the stuff for just about everything. Are they onto something?
Yes, according to our experts. Coconut oil is used in many natural beauty products, and for good reason: It's naturally antibacterial and antifungal, coconut oil for skin is an excellent moisturizer, it can penetrate hair better than other oils, and, well, it smells like cookies.
"Yum," says Tieraona Low Dog, MD, director of the fellowship program at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. "Is there anything more luscious than coconut oil?"
We can't think of anything. But we can think of 10 amazing uses for it in your very own home that don't require spending a fortune on store-bought products. In fact, all you need is one thing: Raw (and preferably organic) virgin coconut oil.
Here, count on two hands our completely natural DIY beauty tricks with coconut oil.

1. To soothe dry hands

This won't work for dry digits when you're on the go, but at home, coconut oil for skin can work wonders on your dishwashing-parched hands. You can get a jar at your local grocery store, or try this organic coconut oil from Coconut Revolution. "I keep a jar of organic extra virgin coconut oil by the kitchen sink and put a little on after washing my hands to keep them soft and moist," says Low Dog. And if you cook with coconut oil—you can sub it for butter in baking recipes because it’s solid at room temperature—scoop out a little extra for your hands, too. "Whenever I cook with coconut oil, I make sure to moisturize my hands with it too," says Katrine van Wyk, a holistic health and nutrition coach based in New York.

2. As a cheekbone highlighter

Nothing perks up a tired face like a little highlighter, but you don't need store-bought products to achieve the same effect. Simply sweep a small amount of organic coconut oil on top of makeup and leave it alone. It looks like your skin but glowier, which is why many natural makeup brands use it as a base ingredient in their formulas. If you're looking for a more portable option, try the cult favorite Living Luminizer by RMS Beauty, which has a coconut-oil base and light reflecting pigment.

3. To shave your legs

Conventional shaving cream is an expensive cocktail of chemicals that you don't need to get a nice clean shave on your legs or underarms. Coconut oil, on the other hand, is inexpensive, naturally antimicrobial, and smells divine. Plus, its skin-soothing properties will leave your legs looking hydrated (but never greasy).

4. As a deep-conditioner

There's a reason many conditioners contain coconut oil: It's better able to penetrate hair (and prevent protein loss) than mineral and sunflower oil, according to research. "I use coconut oil for hair and on my skin for deep conditioning," says Tasneen Bhatia, MD, an integrative doctor and owner of the Atlanta Center for Holistic and Integrative Medicine. Apply a quarter-size dollop to your hair, comb it, and then pile it into a loose bun. You'll want to place a soft towel over your pillow or sleep in a shower cap. In the morning, shampoo as usual with a gentle cleanser.

5. To remove eye makeup

Yes, coconut oil even works on waterproof mascara! Put a little of this Organic Coconut Oil for Beauty on a cotton ball and gently sweep it over your eyes, paying attention to your under-eyes as well. The oil does a great job breaking down waxy, inky eye makeup, and leaves the delicate area hydrated, too. Once you're done, wash your face as usual.

6. As a body moisturizer

A recent animal study found that when applied topically, virgin organic coconut oil for skin can speed up wound healing, and a human study found it to be effective in increasing hydration and reducing water loss in seriously dry skin. Sounds like a recipe for a really good lotion to us! It's a health-expert favorite, too. Says Wyk: "It smells delicious, is very affordable, and leaves my skin feeling nourished and smooth."

7. To clean your face

 Because coconut oil is naturally antibacterial, antifungal, moisturizing and, according to research, great for atopic dermatitis, many women swear by its use as a nighttime moisturizer for their face, too. Try the double-cleansing method: Simply rub the oil in circular motions all over your face and neck, giving yourself a gentle massage as you go. When you're done, wash off the residue with your favorite cleanser. (If you're adult-acne prone, avoid this technique unless you know your skin tolerates coconut oil.)

8. To add shine

Smooth a tiny amount of organic coconut oil onto your ends of your hair to add a little shine, or on fly away if you have dark hair. Remember that a dab will do you: Any more and your hair might appear greasy.

9. In a luscious body scrub

Here's a little DIY beauty secret: That store-bought body scrub you save for special occasions? It's a waste of money. That's because you can make one yourself with ingredients you already have in your kitchen. Low Dog agrees. "I love to do this. It's wonderfully moisturizing, great for the skin, inexpensive, and blissfully absent of chemicals you can't pronounce!" To make your own, Low Dog suggests melting ½ c of coconut oil at very low heat. Pour it over 1 c of brown sugar or salt and stir well. If you have some on hand, add in five drops of your favorite essential oil or some pure vanilla extract for a scrub so fragrant you'll want to eat it.

10. For a little rubdown

Many store-bought massage oils have either coconut or jojoba oil as their base. Cut out the middleman and go straight to the bottle. It's slippery, skin-friendly, and coconut oil for skin moisturizes, too.

Written By: Siobhan O'Connor