
Monday 25 July 2016

How to remove tan on a daily basis

               Ladies, did you ever notice how a layer of dark pigmentation starts to deposit on your skin? This can be due to tanning. Yes, you heard me right! Tanning has become a very common phenomenon in our day to day lives and a lot of us tend to ignore this, but it shouldn’t be ignored because tanning affects our health too.
 In this process our skin colour is darkened and it occurs mostly as a result of exposure to the ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight or from artificial sources. Sun exposure is necessary to a certain extent because it contributes in producing vitamin D in our body, but excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays has adverse effects such as sunburn, premature aging, skin cancer, actinic or solar keratoses, eyes damage and even affect our immune system

The process of tanning

Face tan removal scrubs at home
The pigment responsible for the visibility of our complexion is known as melanin which is produced by the cells called melanocytes. Melanocytes play the vital role in the growth of pigments which can be categorised into two parts: pheomelanin which is red in colour and eumelanin which is known to have a very dark brown colour. Usually the pigment differs from person to person depending on genes and hormones but it has been found out that people having darker complexion usually have more melanin than people having lighter complexion. As melanin is produced, the skin colour darkens, but the UVB radiation existing in sunlight may also be a reason for the cause of sunburn. The process of tanning may be developed by artificial UV radiation that can be transferred in frequencies of UVA, UVB, or in a compilation of the both. 

Remedies for tanning
As soon as summer approaches, we all want to bask on the beaches, go fishing, or simply hangout with friends. But sadly, almost 90% of us forget to protect our skin from the strong UV rays. And as a result a dark reddish brown layer starts getting visible– a stubborn tan! But what can you do if you do not wish to sport the tan?
Ladies, don’t panic! Let us look to some of the home remedies for removing
the stubborn tan:  

Lemon juice

Lemon is such a product which can be easily found in almost every kitchen. Lemon juice is known for its vitamin C property and is often used for whitening our skin tone by reducing the melanin pigment under our skin pores. All we need to do is cut a lemon in two halves and gently apply it over the affected area, then leave it for around 10-15 minutes and finally rinse it off with cold water. If this procedure is repeated regularly, then a visible change will surely come within 4-6 weeks. 

Pack of lemon juice, cucumber and rose water

Lemon juice works as a wonder for tanning, but it may not suit everyone. Quite often it has been seen that after the application of lemon juice, a caustic reaction immediately appears onto the skin. So in case if you feel any discomfort due to lemon juice like a burning sensation, or rashes; you can always opt for making a simple face pack out lemon juice, cucumber and rose water. For the preparation of this pack all we need to do is, mix together two tablespoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of cucumber extract and 1/2 teaspoon of rose water in a bowl. Then gently apply this mixture to the tanned areas. The tan will get reduced due to lemon juice, while the cucumber juice and rose water will soothe your burnt and blemished skin leaving a soft and subtle effect.

Turmeric and Bengal gram pack

If you are looking for gentle exfoliation of your skin, for the removal of dead skin and tan removal, this pack will work as a miracle. All you need to do is, combine two and half tablespoons of Bengal gram flour with a pinch of turmeric. Then add to this a tablespoon of rose water and milk, though milk is optional since you can also use just water instead of milk. You can further increase efficiency of this concoction by adding around half tablespoon of grounded orange peel. Apply this pack on the affected area and keep it for about 15 minutes. Once the pack dries up, moisten your skin with a few drops of water. Then simply massage your skin in a gentle motion in both clockwise and anti-clockwise direction and finally rinse it off with cold water. You may apply this pack four days a week for best results.

Aloe vera, red lentil and tomato pack

Red lentil which is the other name for masoor daal, has tan removing agents which if applied as a pack along with a mixture of Aloe Vera and Tomato juice, can effectively reduce the tanning effects.
 For the pack all you need to do is soak about 2 tablespoon of masoor daal overnight and make a grainy paste of it. Then you need to add equal quantities of tomato paste and aloe vera extract. Then simply apply it on your face and let it rest for half an hour before you clean it off with cold water.

Honey and papaya pack

Summer tan scrubs for face

Papaya is one those ingredients which is very popular, not only for its nutrient values but also for its cleansing property. All you need is a few spoonfuls of papaya, and you will be set for having a radiant and healthy skin. Along with papaya, honey makes the skin softer and supple. So together they make an excellent home remedy. All you need to do is mash half a cup of ripe papaya with a tablespoon of honey. Mix it well and apply on your face, then keep the face pack on for half and wash off with lukewarm water for best result.

Buttermilk and oatmeal pack

Buttermilk, which is also known as “chaanch” is great for soothing the skin and healing blisters, leaving our skin soft and bright. Oatmeal is also another ingredient which can be used as a scrub for exfoliation of the dead skin pores. Together, these two ingredients make for an incredible face mask. For making the skin mask, mix 3 tablespoon of buttermilk with 2 tablespoon of oatmeal. Massage the concoction into the affected areas in circular motions. Repeat this procedure every alternative day for best results.

 A pack of yogurt and tomato

Tomato is known for having citric acid which is great for removing tan. If you want to reduce pigmentation and dark spots, then this pack will act as your saviour. The extracts of tomato works on spots and pigmentation. It also works as a toner, opening up the pores of the skin and removing the excess oil naturally. Also, yogurt works as a natural bleaching agent and allows removing tan effectively over a considerate span of time. Combine together one tablespoon of each and apply the paste on your face. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash with water. Chances are that you may feel a slight tingling sensation, but that simply means that the pack has begin to work.


How to remove sun tan

Sandalwood is natural agent for soothing your skin, and sandalwood paste is what you need if you have returned from a trek with a bad sun tan. Just apply the sandalwood paste every day before going to bed. You can either clean it off once it becomes dry or you may also keep it on overnight for best results.

Coconut water and sandalwood

Being filled with medicinal properties, sandalwood makes for an affordable yet a brilliant tan reducing product if mixed with the goodness of coconut water. Coconut water is considered as the purest form of natural toner which helps for removing tan. In a bowl, add around 2 tablespoon of sandalwood powder along with few drops of coconut water. Together, this mixture will not just brighten and cleanse your skin, but also heal your sunburns and remove tan naturally. Thus, I would recommend this as one of the best home remedies for all skin types.

Written By : Beauty Healthy Tips

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