
Monday 18 July 2016

19 Effective Ayurvedic Tips For Hair Growth

Nowadays, many people rely on Ayurvedic remedies for treating common problems. It is true that this traditional practice has numerous power packed secrets that can help you with many troubles. Flaunting gorgeous hair is no exception. Ayurvedic treatment for hair growth has always been around, but it is only recently that we have adopted these remedies. While relying on such a time-proven methodology, expect nothing but best results, because the problems are corrected from the inside and not the outside alone.

Ayurvedic Principals For Hair Care And Hair Loss

Ayurvedic research on hair growth is extensive and well structured. This strong foundation provides Ayurvedic practitioners effective reasons behind excessive hair fall and the ways to reverse it which in turn results in consistent hair growth. According to Ayurveda, hair type is directly related to body type and is systematically classified into three categories; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each hair type has distinct features and hence there are multiple reasons for hair loss which vary from person to person.
Ayurveda has a holistic approach and has three key concepts, such as Nidana (diagnostic measures), Ahar (food that can be used as preventive medicine) and Chikitsa (support and self-care).
Hair loss is caused because of pitta dosha. Pitta governs our metabolism and digestion. A balanced pitta leads to a healthy body and mind. It controls our general well being. Once you identify the reasons of pitta dosha, it becomes easier to correct it. Typically, bad eating habits, anxiety, and stress cause pitta dosha, which in turn lead to hair loss. Excessive consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol, meat, fried and spicy food imbalances the pitta.
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According to Ayurveda, hair is nourished by the nutrient plasma that is derived from the food that you eat. However; certain foods have a negative effect and cause excess Pitta Dosha meaning heat in the body which is the chief reason behind excess hair loss. Apart from Pitta Dosha, other reasons for hair loss according to Ayurveda are hormonal imbalances in men and women, stress, lack of sleep, improper diet, intoxicating substances, dandruff or fungal infections and diseases like lupus or diabetes amongst others. Ayurvedic hair regrowth solutions address these core issues promoting hair regrowth.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Hair Fall
Ayurveda propagates the use of several herbs directly on the scalp to treat hair loss. These herbs are available in powdered form or the form of oil in most Ayurvedic stores. Some are also packaged and sold commercially at local grocers. Let’s have a look at the some of the Ayurveda treatments, which are proved beneficial for preventing hair loss:

1. Bhringaraj – The King Of Herbs

 Bringharaj has natural rejuvenating properties. Translated, it means “king of hair.” Not only does it help promote hair growth, but it also reverses balding. It can be used to prevent premature graying. Considered as a natural conditioner, it is commonly available in powdered form and as an oil. It has a calming effect when applied to the scalp and helps insomniacs sleep better. When you are stressed about work or are tossing and turning, massage some bhringaraj oil onto your scalp and feel the immediate difference.

How to use it:

Make a paste out of the leaves and apply it on the scalp for some time before washing it off. Some people do not have easy access to this herb. Thus, you can grab a pack of dried Bhringraj, steep 5-6 tbsps in warm water and apply the paste for 20 minutes before washing off. Doing this on a regular basis promotes hair growth.
To get the best results, massage bhringraj oil onto your scalp and leave it on overnight. Shampoo in the morning and wash off with lukewarm water. Alternatively, you can make a paste of bhringaraj powder, amla powder, and tulsi. You can add coconut oil to this mixture to make your hair look shinier. Wash the hair pack after a couple of hours. Acting as a conditioning pack, the combination of bhringaraj, amla and tulsi helps hair growth.

2. The Indian Gooseberry

Better known as Amla or Amalaki, this ayurvedic solution for hair fall helps in treating indigestion and purifies the blood. It acts as a preventive measure for dandruff and is also a rich conditioner. By itself, it cannot impart color, but the combination of amla and shikakai is used for natural brown hair. One can apply amla to one’s hair or even eat it for strong, healthy and lustrous hair. Amla reduces the itchiness of the scalp. It is rich in Vitamin C, which solves many hair problems from within.

How to Use It:

Mix powdered Amla and water to make a paste which you can apply to your scalp to promote thick and black hair.
Make a paste of amla and shikakai powder and warm water and leave it overnight. Apply on your scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash the hair with a mild shampoo. You can also crush the amla fruit and apply the juice on the scalp. This is said to provide nourishment to the roots and make them strong. You could make amla oil by soaking the fruit in coconut oil for a few days. Apply this oil on the scalp and wash off after an hour.

3. Neem

For years, neem has been used to treat skin conditions and hair loss. Since it has several medicinal properties, doctors recommend neem soaps during minor ailments and illnesses. It is often used to relieve itchiness and inflammation during chicken pox and measles. Regular use of neem on the scalp improves blood circulation and strengthens the roots, which in turn promotes hair growth. Neem is also used to reduce dandruff and lice. When the scalp is affected by dryness, scaliness, dandruff, eczema, psoriasis and excessive sebum, the hair roots get damaged. This causes hair loss. Promoting hair growth, neem helps treat these conditions.

How to Use It:

Neem soaps available commonly in stores can be used on the scalp as well as skin. However, for best results, boil neem leaves in water and make a hair rinse. Use it after shampooing. You can also add neem leaves to your bath water. For lustrous and shiny hair, add neem oil to olive or coconut oil. Apply it to your scalp and wash it with a mild shampoo. You can also make a paste of neem powder and warm water. Apply and leave it on the scalp for 30 minutes before shampooing.

4. Ritha

Ritha or soap nuts have been used by women for centuries as a natural shampoo. When used regularly, ritha promotes hair growth and makes hair thick and beautiful. Since it is mild, it can be used as an everyday shampoo without causing damage to your hair. If shampooing your hair everyday worries you, choose this natural alternative. Ritha also conditions your hair while cleansing it.

How to Use It:

To make your own ritha shampoo, remove the seeds, crush them and soak them for 8 hours or overnight. Soaking them for so long ensures that all the goodness in the form of saponins is extracted. Saponin is what makes your hair healthy and strong. Once you are sure all the saponin is extracted, you can now start making your own shampoo. You can also boil this liquid. Once it starts boiling, let it simmer for a bit. Use this concentrated liquid as a shampoo. Remember that it does not lather much and you may need to use it a few times to understand the quantity you may need.

5. Shikakai

Shikakai literally means fruit for hair. When the fruit is mixed in water, it foams up like soap. Shikakai is rich in antioxidants and contains large doses of Vitamin C and D. This is helpful for hair growth and nourishment. Regular use of shikakai will help your locks become long and lustrous. It has low pH levels and is hence mild. Most damage to hair is done by hair products that have harsh chemicals. Shikakai won’t strip your hair of natural oils. It detangles hair, which also reduces hair fall. It reduces dandruff and conditions hair to make it look shiny and beautiful.

How To Use It:

Shikakai shampoos are available everywhere; however, making your own shikakai shampoo is better than commercially sold counterparts. You can use shikakai powder and make a fine paste with warm water. Use this paste as a shampoo. It will lather a little. You can also use this paste as a hair mask. Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash it off. You can also make shikakai tea and use it as a rinse. Boil a few spoonfuls of shikakai in herbal tea and let it steep for 5 hours. Pass this through a sieve and add a cup and a half of hot water to it. Use this as a hair rinse after shampooing. Make a batch of shikakai oil and use it on your scalp instead of the regular oil you use. To make this oil, mix a few spoonfuls of shikakai powder and coconut or olive oil and store in a jar. Shake the jar vigorously. Keep it in a cool and dry place for a few weeks. Keep shaking it so the shikakai does not settle.

6. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha or the Indian Winter Cherry is an amazing herb for hair rejuvenation. It is most commonly used Ayurvedic medicine for hair fall. The hormone cortisol causes hair loss and slows down hair growth. Ashwagandha, when applied to the scalp reduces cortisol. It also increases antioxidants and helps scalp circulation. It is a great remedy for dandruff and stimulates the production of melanin, which is important for hair growth.

How To Use It:

Ashwagandha is available to be consumed orally as well. However, visit a physician if you wish to ingest ashwagandha since only the exact dosage must be administered. For hair loss, you can use ashwagandha powder mixed with brahmi and amla. Add this mixture to warm water. This can be used as a hair mask. Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.

7. Brahmi

Brahmi helps strengthen hair and promotes hair growth. It provides nourishment to the roots and promotes new follicle growth. Regular use of brahmi makes hair thick and lustrous. It is also useful in reducing dandruff. Brahmi hair packs help reduce the itchiness of the scalp. When applied regularly, it reduces split ends. It covers the hair follicles with a protective layer which in turn makes hair shiny and thick.

How To Use It:

You can create a paste of brahmi with ritha, amla, tulsi and ashwagandha powder and a generous amount of curd. Mix the powder in warm water slowly and then add the curd. Maintain a thick consistency as this is easier to apply. Use as a hair pack. Leave it on for an hour and wash it off with lukewarm water only. Remember always to use lukewarm to cold water to wash hair. Avoid hot water completely. Another way of using brahmi is to boil some water and add brahmi, tulsi and neem powder. Let this sit overnight. Strain this water in the morning and use it as a hair rinse after shampooing. For best results, use this regularly and notice that your hair has a gorgeous shine to it. You can also combine brahmi powder, warm water, and coconut oil and apply as a paste to your head. Wash it off only with water.

Following a balanced and wholesome diet along with the regular use of Ayurvedic herbs will lead to a visible rejuvenation of hair growth and stop hair loss. For hair that’s shiny, bouncy and straight out of a shampoo ad, make it a point to use these ayurvedic herbs regularly.

8. The Aromatic Jatamansi

Jatamansi or Indian spikenard or musk root has been used in medicine for thousands of years. It is native to the Himalayas where it grows at heights of between 3,000 and 5,000 feet. It is cultivated in India where it is used extensively in perfumes and medicines. The part used is the hairy root, which is how it gets its name, as jatamansi means hirsute. The flowers are red or pink and red or blue, A common name for this herb in ayurvedic medicines for hair growth is Muskroot or the Indian Spikenard. It has the power to remove blood impurities as well as give a glowing complexion. You can either consume it in the form of a capsule (sticking to not more than 6mgs) or apply it directly on the scalp.

9. Methi – Miracle Herb

Fenugreek seeds not only help hair fall control, but also help in dandruff control as well as make your hair thicken if you use the remedy regularly at least for a month to actually be able to see real results. No its not an assumption based on the popularity of methi seeds, but a fact tested and tried by many since ages. Its one of the grandma recipes that if you are close you your elders at home you already would know by heart!
Methi is a commonly used herb in our households, an excellent remedy for hair growth. Grind some slightly dry roasted methi, make a paste of it in warm water depending on hair length and keep it on for 20 minutes before washing off.

10. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains something called proteolytic enzymes which repairs dead skin cells on the scalp. It also acts as a great conditioner and leaves your hair all smooth and shiny. It promotes hair growth, prevents itching on the scalp, reduces dandruff and conditions your hair. Diane Gage, author of  Aloe Vera: Nature's Soothing Healer says, "Keratin, the primary protein of hair, consists of amino acids, oxygen, carbon, and small amounts of hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulphur. Aloe vera has a chemical make up similar to that of keratin and it rejuvenates the hair with its own nutrients, giving it more elasticity and preventing breakage."Aloe Vera has proven usage in Ayurveda, as it helps keep your system clean from within. Ensure that you drink or swallow 2 tbsp of the latex of the leaf to increase your metabolism and also get good bowel movements. Remember, the excess amount can lead to diarrhea.

11. Hot Oil Massage With Ayurvedic Oils

A hot oil massage using either coconut, almond or brahmi oil helps improve circulation, rejuvenates your hair follicles, which leads to better blood circulation to the roots. You can expect good results in the form of less hair fall and quick hair growth within a span of 6 months. However, if you have a dandruff problem, mix 2 tbsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice into the pot of half cup of oil. Heat it up. Application of this mixture shows beneficial results in quick time.

There are also certain medicated ayurvedic oils such as Mahabhringraj oil, Amla oil, and Arnica oil which are very beneficial for hair growth.

12. Relieving You Of The Pitta Dosha

Ashwagandha is commonly used in Ayurveda as an anti-oxidant herb to relieve you from Pitta Dosha, which is known to be the cause of hair fall. A 6 mg capsule of ashwagandha, if consumed daily can make your system clean and toxins free. It is also anti-inflammatory cum a distressing herb.
Other Tips For Hair Growth

Apart from these ayurvedic remedies for hair fall, there are three major daily hair care tips that you need to follow to ensure that your hair growth occurs unhindered! They are mentioned below.

1.Avoid combing the hair when it is wet, as the hair is said to be more prone to breakage.
2.Sleep is essential for at least 8 hours a day, to promote healthy hair growth.
3.Drinking plenty of water and a good diet is important for a proper functioning of the body, thus leading to proper hair growth.
4.Avoid excess indulgence in alcohol, cigarettes, and other intoxicants.
5.A paste of licorice and milk or black pepper and lemon seeds can be applied to the bald patches.
6.Consume raw vegetables and salads on a daily basis.
7.Deal with stress and sleeplessness effectively with yoga and exercise.

Ayurvedic Diet Suggestions For Hair Regrowth

Ayurveda is also based on the concept of a healthy diet to combat diseases and ailments, and the same applies to hair loss. It is important to follow these simple suggestions in your diet to stimulate hair growth. Ayurveda promotes the use of high vegetable protein diets for hair growth. However, it advises against consumption of meat, fried and spicy food and alcohol or other packaged beverages in excess.

Follow these simple yet effective Ayurvedic tips religiously and flaunt beautiful hair in no time. Till then, keep it stylish!

Written By: Zinnia

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